scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

N.V. Zelyak, B.M. Zinyak, B.D. Babiak, T.L. Arhytko

Phimosis: the indications for surgery. Own experience


Сircumcision - the oldest operation in history. With respect to indications and contraindications to it there are major differences. All series of articles and books about circumcision are approachable. The work is an anthology circumcision from its prehistoric roots to modern admixture of religion, culture and medicine. Brought some benefit from circumcision to prevent penile cancer.

The own data on the treatment of 737 patients aged 8 months - 18 years. 502 patients had surgery for circumcision after F. Buryan. 235 others had expansion foreskin bloodless method using the probe.