scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

Instructions for authors

Dear authors!

Journal "UROLOGIYA" (UROLOGY) is included to the list of scientific journals, publishing results of dissertation research for obtaining candidate’s or doctoral degree as well as in a number of domestic and foreign information systems and databases. To be in conformity with the foregoing authors should observe the following instructions.

The article should reveal actuality of the problem, have a high level of scientific significance and novelty, to be of a high methodologic and methodic quality, source of reliable scientific data, correspond to the scope of the journal, be approved by committee on bioethics.

Publication ethic. Manuscript submitted must have visa of the supervisor of studies and official directive from the institution, submitting the manuscript (round seal), and definition if the manuscript is a part of dissertation research. On a separate page – information about the authors (last name, first name, middle name, post, academic degree, place of work, address, phone number, e-mail).

Manuscript must be signed by all authors, they must sign a form transferring copyright (each author signs form individually, with his/her signature). Under these conditions editorial board has the right to publish and present the article on the site of the journal.

Editorial board controls over quality of manuscripts observing transparency and standards of reviewing. All manuscripts are subject to anonymous (blind) editorial or outside peer review. Author will be notified about peer review decision. Editorial board reserves the right to shorten and edit accepted manuscripts. Time of manuscript submission is submission of the final revised version. Manuscript is sent to the Editorial board (2 copies) in printed form with mandatory electronic version (e-mail).

Articles are published in Ukrainian, Russian or English, up to 10 pages, review article – up to 15 pages. Article should be typed 1 and half spaced, Times New Roman with ample margin (3 cm) in the left. On the margins places where author contemplates to submit figures or other illustrative material are defined.

The Title page must include:

1) UDC;

2) Full name of the author(s);

3) Full title of the manuscript;

4) Department and institution affiliation of the author(s);

5) The complete postal address for correspondence;

6) E-mail;

7) ORCID ID (to receive it, you need to register at, obligatory to add not less than 2-3 published articles of your own and in the future to keep it up to date).

If there are more than one author, every name and affiliation of the author is indexed in figure. If all the authors work in the same department, there is no need to define place of work of each author. This piece of information should be both in Ukrainian (Russian) and English. Authors’ full name must be transliterated by BGN system (Board of Geographic Names).

Arrangement of original papers: summary (Russian language if article is in Ukrainian and vice versa and in English) and key words (Ukrainian, Russian and English languages), brief introduction, covering state of the art and aim of the work, material s and methods, results and their discussion, conclusion itemized, references. All methods used in the research and analysis of the data obtained should be mentioned, with obligatory references to generally-known ones. If methods used are not widespread, it is advisable to describe them in details and make references. Style of writing should be academic science-based, text must be concise, neat, without long prologue and repetitions. Together with generally accepted abbreviations of physical, chemical metric mass units, terms, abbreviations of word-combinations often repeated in the article are permitted. All designations and abbreviations must be expanded when first mentioned in the text. Dose of medicinal agents, their units should be given according to International System of Units (SI units), medical terms – according to International anatomical and histologic nomenclature, name of the disease – according to International Classification of Diseases, 10-th revision, medicinal agents – according to State Pharmacopeia (X,XI). Names of firms and apparatuses should be given in original transcription.

Author’s summary (annotation) – the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases, indexing the journal. Summary must present only factual results of the research, be neat and informative as for aim, materials, methods and main results, at least 1800 characters.

List of references should be in alphabetical order. Total number must not exceed 10-15 for original articles and 50 – for review (over the last 5-7 years). Bibliographic references in the article are given in quadrate bracketed number. References on unpublished articles, dissertations, text-books, working papers of WHO are inadmissible.

References are submitted in style APA.

Online link generators that can help you: RefMe, Citation Machine.

Information about the conflict of interests. The authors must inform about the potential and apparent conflicts of interest associated with the manuscript.

Format of text files: Word (doc, docx). Electronic versions of manuscripts (including tables and figures) must be typed on standard on one side only of A4 paper vertically. Diagrams, charts and graphs must be distinct, of good quality, black and white, with MS WORD (Microsoft Graph) or with MS EXCEL. Tables are in MS WORD.

Manuscript must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Material not following principles of publication ethics and bioethics are not accepted. It is the author’s responsibility for reliability of the material presented in the manuscript. Editorial Board reserves the right to correct mistakes in terminology and style, to remove unnecessary illustrations. Editorial Board does not pay author’s fee. Manuscripts submitted, that do not correspond to the rules of their submission to the Journal "UROLOGIYA" are returned to the author for his/her request only, without consideration by the editors.

Payment for publication of an article. Publication of the article is for a fee. Payment is made after a positive review of the article and its acceptance for publication, as the author is informed by e-mail. Publication fee: one author's page - 100 UAH.