S.P. Pasechnikov, N.O. Saidakova, V.I. Grodzinskiy
Peculiarities in hospitalization of women with acute non-obstructive pyelonephritis in the age aspect
The work represents the results of the 10-year study of the specific gravity in women with acute non-obstructive pyelonephritis in the structure of hospitalized incidence depending on the seasons of the year. The peculiarity is in defining two 5-year terms by which was followed the intensity of carrying out process changes, and also in the comparative analysis among women of the reproductive and non-reproductive age. Even more, in every indicated age period separate groups were formed, that allowed to crystallize the most significant ones in the socio-medical aspect. Important from the point of view of taking the clinical organizing decisions, including prophylactics, turned out to be the information concerning the structure of distribution of the indicated category in dependence on the season of the year. On the background of the mosaic character of the data, the general tendency was followed. Its essence is that the most stable unfavorable period for women of reproductive age is summer and autumn, for others - winter and spring.