V.P. Stus, K.S. Barannik
Functional condition and kompensation-adaptive possibilities of pair body - kidneys in the conditions of unilateral defeat or the unique kidney which remained after nephrectomy (the literature review)
In work the literature analysis on a problem of treatment of pair body of kidneys in the conditions of their unilateral defeat or in the presence of a unique kidney which remains after nephrectomy is presented. It is noticed that both kidneys of pair body test negative influence from pathological process (a time or constant ischemia, infringement urodynamics) which amazes one of them. Kidneys answer with kompensatorno-adaptive reactions directed on preservation of total function. Degree of expressiveness of these reactions directly depends on a damage rate and concerns both kidneys. To normal development of indemnification of function in an opposite kidney stirs reno-renalny a reflex. A unique kidney which remains after nephrectomy, it is impossible to consider as absolutely healthy body. Various pathological processes which develop in it eventually testify to it. The reason also is imperfection of adaptive reserves. At the heart of all infringements there are infringements of a nephritic blood-groove of m of microcirculation in parenchyms body. They are especially expressed during the first hours actions of the negative factor, operative intervention, or a trauma of a kidney and last during all time of existence of pathological process. The offered ways of protection parenchyms kidneys are directed on protection of a fabric from lack fabric breath and elimination (or reduction) infringements of exchange processes in it. Therefore, careful studying of primary negative changes of blood circulation in kidneys, their timely elimination (or the prevention) in a complex with offered is actual and demands their realisation. Especial value actions directed on protection contralatheral have kidneys if there is a necessity of removal of the amazed. This action it is possible to improve compensatione possibilities of the remained unique kidney adequately to restore its functional condition and to reduce risk of occurrence in it of pathological changes (diseases) further.