scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

O.V. Lyulko, A.L. Suvaryan, G.A. Ushakova

Effect of experimental varico­cele on the adhesive properties of nerve cells


In our work we have shown that on the development of varicocele in rats, the distribution of soluble forms of neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NСАМ) in brain structures is uneven. Increased soluble form in the cerebellum NСАМ 1,7 times at 12 weeks after surgery and 2 times - up to 18 weeks, in the hippocampus in 2,4 times in 12 and 1,4 times for 18 w. after surgery due to enzyme processes in turn, can be strictly related with the need to increase the pool NСАМ as signaling molecules in terms of control of synaptic plasticity. Redistribution in the brain total NСАМ between soluble and membrane forms, which provides greater efficiency of signal transmission in violation of hypothalamic-pituitary axis to a lower synthesis of testosterone. Experimental varicocele leads to increased membrane forms in the left testicle NСАМ and to lower the level of this protein in the adrenal gland at 6 weeks after surgery, indicating a functional interdependence of these depending on the content of testosterone. Violation of the synthesis of testosterone affects the metabolism of adhesive proteins in CNS thalamus / hypothalamus involved in regulation of reproductive function and hormones regulate the pituitary. Stagnation of varicocele leads to higher content of plasma fibronectin is connected with the inflammatory process and the possibility of forming thrombus.