scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

O.V. Romashchenko, S.M. Melnykov, V.V. Biloholovska, M.M. Khodzhava

Determination of the frequency of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (gsm) and female sexual dysfunctions


The carried out research has shown that menopause, a special state of quality transformation in a woman’s body, caused by the shift in hormonal homeostasis, is an evidential moment of direct dependency between change of concentration of sex steroids and frequency and level of age disorders, namely genitourinary menopausal disorders, sexual dysfunctions. It was established that the average age of the beginning of menopause in the examined women was 49,1±1,22 years.

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause, as a feature of medium-term climacteric disorders, was observed in 53,1% of the examined women, while in 127 (36,3%) of the examined these disorders were first established 1-2 years before the menopause, with I degree of complexity in 43 (12,3%) and II degree - in 139 (39,7%).

It was noted that among women of menopausal age sexual dysfunctions were established, namely disorders of desire (48,6%), arousal (46,9%), primary (10,6%) and secondary (17,7%) anorgasmia, dyspareunia (49,1%), diagnosed in 72,6% of cases in various combinations.

Disorders of sexual health in women of menopausal age were combined with the state of disappointment, reduction of self-esteem and contributed to the disharmony of a couple through «vicious circle».

Prevention of these disorders should be carried out systematically and gradually, starting with premenopause in accordance with the principles of interdisciplinary approach.