scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

S.P. Pasiechnikov, V.S. Hrytsai, Y.M. Klymenko, A.V. Kravchenko

Comparative analysis of the rate of infection of genital excreta and intraoperatively removed prostatic tissue by sexually transmitted pathogens in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia


The study realizes a comparative evaluation of sexually transmitted pathogens infection, according to the study of genital excreta and intraoperatively removed prostatic tissue of 195 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, who underwent transvesical prostatectomy.

The obtained results state that the rate of infection by STDs of the patients with BPH who are admitted to the hospital for planned prostatectomy is 47.7%. The total frequency of detected DNA pathogens of STDs by PCR was significantly higher almost 1.4 times in genital excreta than in intraoperatively removed prostatic tissue.

The dominant pathogens of STDs in the genital excreta are the mollicutes, while in the intraoperatively removed prostate tissue, Trichomonas vaginalis prevails. The discrepancy between the results of the study of genital excreta and intraoperatively removed prostate tissue in infected patients with BPH was 84.9%, and 14% of infected patients with BPH was detected with a study of prostate tissue, which makes it appropriate to provide specific treatment for the prevention of postoperative complications.