N.O. Saidakova, V.P. Stus, N.V. Gavva, V.V. Tverdokhlib, S.A. Nesteruk, A.I. Banadyga, V.I. Grodzinsky
The paper presents the results of a ten-year (2008-2017) analysis of morbidity, prevalence of chronic cystitis among both sexes of the adult population of the Western region in terms of regions, as well as in terms of all-Ukrainian data. The primary material was the official statistical reports of medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Two five-year periods were allocated to clarify the dynamics and nature of its changes. It was found that in contrast to the increase in registered patients in Ukraine as a whole at the expense of women, in the region there is a steady decrease in both women and men with a stable preservation of third place in the overall structure. The number of newly diagnosed patients in the region increased by 5.4% in 2013-2017 (by 11.6 and 5,7% among women and men, respectively), while in Ukraine by 2.1% only among women (by 12.4%) to 2992 and 15112 in 2017, respectively. Interregional peculiarities in the region have been traced and it has been established that the situation in it is formed by Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. The nature of changes in absolute values †and intensity is similar.