K.G. Naber, J.F. Alidjanov, Y.M. Dekthiar, R.M. Molchanov, E.G. Sonnyk, S.P. Pasiechnikov, P. Samchuk, V.P. Stus, N.V. Havva, I.M. Antonyan, A. Pilatz, F.M.E. Wagenlehner
Ukrainian Version of the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS) for Diagnostics and Patient-Reported Outcome of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis. Part I. Linguistic validation and Cognitive assessment
The Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS) was originally developed in Uzbek and Russian language as a self-reporting questionnaire for the clinical diagnosis and follow-up of an acute episode of uncomplicated cystitis (AC) in women based on complains and their effect on the quality of life. After professional forward and backward translations the cognitive assessment of the Ukrainian version of the ACSS was performed in female subjects with different ages and educational levels and in medical professionals treating such patients. After considering all comments of the female subjects and the professionals the final version of the Ukrainian ACSS could be obtained to be further used in clinical studies.