S.A. Borisov, A.N. Kolosov, A.V. Borisov, F.I. Kostev
The study of the content of beta-2-microglobulin in blood plasma and urine in modeling acute pyelonephritis and concomitant diabetes mellitus under conditions of drug exposure in the experiment
An indisputable criterion for the chronicity of pyelonephritis is damage to the tubulointerstitial tissue of the kidneys.
One of the factors of the adverse course of pyelonephritis is an increase in the level of b-2 microglobulin in the blood and urine of patients. An increase in the concentration of serum b2-MG occurs with impaired renal function at the glomerular level, and an increase in the content of the peptide in the urine indicates tubular lesions. Therefore, studies of the pathogenetic features of the development of inflammatory kidney diseases against the background of concomitant diabetes mellitus in order to study the corrective effect of drugs with the metabolism of the corrective effect is an urgent task. The obtained data on changes in the content of b-2-Microglobulin indicate the important role of concomitant type II diabetes mellitus, and to a greater extent type I in the development of tubulointerstitial lesions in acute pyelonephritis in rats. Etio-pathogenetic drug correction, significantly contributed to the development of a tendency to normalize the level of b-2-Microglobulin in the body of animals with acute pyelonephritis with concomitant diabetes mellitus type I and II, it was noted a possible decrease in type I diabetes in blood plasma by 35, 4 % in urine by 38.7%, with type II diabetes in blood plasma by 39.0% and in urine by 41.4% in relation to the group with etiotropic drug exposure.