scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

A.V. Maltsev, V.I. Savenkov

Pathomorphosis of the invasive bladder cancer under the influence of neoadjuvant radiation therapy


The paper deals with morphological investigation of invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, using modern histological and morphometric techniques. The morphological study has revealed the damaging impact of preoperative radiotherapy on tumor complexes and vessels. The regression of tumor parenchyma was 40,7% ±5,1% and 43,3±4,2% (compared to the corresponding index of moderately differentiated and poorly differentiated cancer without radiation therapy) (p £ 0,001). The subtotal necrosis of atypical epithelium was registered in 14,0±2,6% tumor complexes of the total volume of preserved parenchyma.