scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

S. Vozianov, A. Boyko, V. Spyrydonenko, O. Moroz, A. Gurgenko, D. Kuprin, T. Shmatyuk, N. Chumak

Optimisation reduce recurrent pyelonephritis in persons with a ureterolitiasis of solitary kidney after contact lithotripsy


A total of 82 patients with acute calculous obstruction (ACO) on the basis of ureterolithiasis SK. Studied were divided into three groups: I - the diagnosis, patients underwent transureteral contact lithotripsy (TUCL) and conventional therapy with the addition of cranberry concentrate (СC, n =36); II - above-mentioned diagnosis with analogical treatment, but without CC (n = 27); III - held puncture nephrostomy followed by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL, n = 19). Monitoring consisted of 20 healthy individuals. Acceptance of cranberry concentrate (Krenfors, «Solepharm» LLC, Latvia) held after the 2nd week, after operation for 3 months, during the first 2 weeks, each month, per os 1 caps. morning and evening. Study found that the 90 th day of the relapse rate in the I group decreased by 91%, II - 84%, in the III to 73% (p <0.05), which correlated with the levels of bacteriuria. The elimination of the ACO in patients with SK is a priority that must be held by means of an external (or internal) drainage in tech. the first 2 days, followed by a minimally invasive treatment. The choice of the latter requires minimal surgical intervention, with no significant TUCL devastating impact on the structure and function of the SK, in contrast to the more invasive method of ESWL. The high level of recurrence of infectious inflammatory process in the SK is an indication for herbal remedies that have pathogenetic effect on uropathogens, so the use of cranberry concentrate (Krenfors) after TUCL, lets get the results significantly better in 2.8 times than conventional therapy after ESWL.