scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

V.N. Lesovoy, N.M. Andonieva, E.A. Guts, M.Y. Dubovik, M.A. Grushka, A.V. Lesovaya

Factors of progression of coronary artery disease in patients with chronic kidney disease on peritoneal dialysis


The article is devoted to the study of metabolic (lipid, calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders) and immunological (proinflammatory interleukins, TNF, Il-1, Il-8, lipid-bound acute-phase proteins - CRP, SAA) indicators that are the most probable factors of CAD progression in PD patients. Thanks to the results of the investigation, it is possible to draw the conclusion that IHD progression in this group of patients is multifactorial and is initiated in the first place by lipid metabolism disorders with further immunological reactions that together with calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders lead to atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic calcification of coronary vessels with decreased coronary flow reserve. The statistical analysis with the help of the binary logistic regression method made it possible to obtain a mathematical model of predicting the probability of the progression of a CAD variant in PD patients with CKD, supposing that the studied metabolic and immunological factors are potential predictors of the progression.