scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

N.V. Zelyak, B.M. Zinyak, B.D. Bab’yuk

Diagnosis and treatment of blunt renal injuries in children


The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of own treatment of closed injury of the kidney. Reviewed and analyzed the medical history 44 consecutive patients aged 6 months - 18 years old (mean 9.3 years) which have closed kidney injury in 2000-2014 years. Diagnosis of kidney damage was in hemodynamically stable patient was performed using excretory urography, CT with intravenous contrast, MRI, ultrasound. 13 (29.54%) patients had an injury of first degree, in 14 (31.82%) - second degree, 10 (22.73%) - third degree, 5 (11.37%) - the fourth degree, even 2 (4.54%) pts these paid subscribers - V degree. In 40 patients with kidney injury was isolated in 3 others it combine valaste with traumatic brain injury, a ruptured spleen - in one case. All patients, except one, were hemodynamically stable. 24 pts treated conservatively, 13 patients have puncture drainage retroperitoneal urinomas, one had surgery laparotomy, splenoraphy, ureteral stenting had one else patient. Irreversibly damaged by trauma kidney was three patients - they have nephrectomy. Irreversibly damaged by trauma pole of the kidney was in two patients - they have a resection of the pole. All patients 6-12 months after trauma have kidney functioned satisfactorily, hypertension is not diagnosed in a no single patient.