scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

N.N. Moiseenko

Changing the content of manganese, copper and iron in the liver, kidneys and blood of the test animals under the influence of microwave irradiation of various terms


During the past 30 years, there have been many studies on the effect of microwave radiation on living organisms. According to them, the influence of electromagnetic radiation with the energy flux density from 5 to 100 mW/cm2 lead in an increase in the number of mitotic cell damage, risk of malignant tumors is greatly increased, changes in blood formula, appear psycho-emotional disorders.

We investigated the influence of microwave radiation of various terms on the content manganese, copper and iron in the liver, kidneys and blood of the test animals. Irradiation was carried out with the energy flux density of 6-7 mW/cm2 for 8 hours per day for 10 days, 30 days, 90 days and 10 days of irradiation with deducing from experience after 5 and 10 days after the termination.

It was discovered that the greatest changes occur in terms of the influence of microwave radiation in 10 days. There is an abrupt decrease levels of all microelements in the liver, kidneys and blood in these terms. Levels of microelements are close to the initial by thirty and ninety days of exposure.

There is an increase content of copper, manganese and iron in the liver, and there is a sharp increase in the content of iron and manganese and decrease in the content of copper in the kidneys, when irradiated for 10 days with deducing from experience after 5days.

There is an increase in the level of iron and manganese, and decrease in the content of copper in the liver when irradiated for 10 days with deducing from experience after 10 days. There is an increase in the level of copper and manganese and reduction of iron (the level is still higher than in the control) in kidneys.

These changes may indicate the possibility of adapting of the organism to the influence of microwave irradiation with time.