scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

K.A. Borisov, F.I. Kostev, A.V. Borisov

Changes in thiol status in pa­tients with infravezical obstruc­tion, provided comprehensive surgi­cal treatment


The aim of our deep determination was the study of rational differential treatment strategy in patients with infravezical obstruction under the presence of bioenergy disorders in the body of patients in general and in the detrusor muscle of the bladder.

The obtained data on the changes in the blood of patients with thiol and disulfide groups of pro­teins, glutathione, and the activity level of enzymes glyutationovyh confirmed in the observed patient state of oxidative stress, which leads to impaired thiol status in biological fluids and tissues of the bladder, and allowed to reveal it important patho­genetic mechanisms.

In the article the clinical and laboratory description of 104 patient with the infravezical obstruction of different etiology, undervented a deep investigation in preparation for the surgical treat­ment presented. A conclusion about expedience of correction of glutathione status in complex surgical treatment of patients with infravezical obstruction was done.