V.N. Lesovoy, D.V. Shchukin, I.A. Garagatyi, I.M. Antonyan, G.G. Khareba, A.A. Altuhov, Yu.A. Iluhin, Hsain Redua
The study is devoted to the investigation of the anatomy of variant lumbar veins. Thematerial of this study included 35 fresh cadavers. For the assessment of the features of the IVC and its tributaries have used an original method of opening of the inferior vena cava. The variant lumbar vein was found in 12 (34.3%) cases out of 35. The diameter of these vessels ranged from 1 mm to 2 mm and averaged 1.5 mm. Variant lumbar vein drainage in retrohepatic IVC was found in only one case. In other observations, they drained exclusively in the subhepatic segment of the vena cava. The distance from the mouth of the right renal vein to the mouth of the variant lumbar veins varied from 2 to 75 mm (mean 19.6 mm). The results of our study have demonstrated that these vessels are not the main source of bleeding during venacavathrombectomy.