S.V. Bazalitska, A.M. Romanenko, V.S. Sakalo, A.V. Sakalo
For the purpose of definition of features immunohistochemical expression of protein Ubiquitin in peritumoral testicular tissue, which can be characterised as precancerous changes, the 40 patients with testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are investigated. In peritumoral testicular tissue in patients with disturbance of spermatogenesis. which make 95%, it is taped: intensifying in seminiferous tubules of ubiquitination processes, testifying about intensive proteolysis of considerable quantity of the damaged intracellular proteins, occurrence of atypical germ cells (TIN), which differ from normal spermatogenesis cells authentically lower of nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression of protein Ubiquitin, and also disturbance of ubiquitination processes in Leydig cells in the form of intensifying of a cytoplasmatic expression and total disappearance of a nuclear expression of protein Ubiquitin. The received results testify to the important role of structural and functional disturbances of ubiquitin-proteolysis system components in carcinogenesis processes of testicular tissue.