scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

S. Nikitaiev

The assessment of clinical signs and quality of life in patients in treatment of unobstractive secondary ureterohydronephrosis


The research was carried on 97 patients with ureterohydronephrosis (UGN) that arose against a background of neurogenic disfunctions of the urinary bladder. None of the patients demonstrated signs of infravesical obstruction and other anatomical anomalies of the urogenital system or diseases of the central nervous system. The object of the investigation was a study of a correlation between the clinical manifestations, the quality of patients’ life and the degree of UGN, as well as their changer in the process of treatment. The author have demonstrated that the clinical manifestations in UNG patients do not correlate with the degree of reflux. Changes of the UGN level due to a course of treatment do not coincide with changes of the quality of life in 57,7% of such patients. The improvement of the quality of life of UGN patients must be taken into account, while assessing the efficacy of treatment simultaneously with changes of UGN.