scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

V.V. Dutov, D.V. Popov, A.A. Rumyantsev, L.M. Kolobova, D.V. Romanov, A.B. Sobolevsky

«Prolit-septo» in complex treat­ment of ureteral stones


68 patients with single stone of ureter were included in prospective, non-placebo controlled, non randomized investigation. All patients were divided in two groups. The first one underwent standard therapy plus «Prolit-Septo» (2 capsules 3 times a day), and the second one - only standard therapy (drotaverin 40 mg 3 times a day). The total stone expulsions were statistically higher in the first group (85% vs 66%, р =0.02). The main trend of stone migratione from proximal to distal part of ureter were also higher in the first group (52% vs 32%, р = 0.17). Inclusion of «Prolit-septo» in treatment re­gimen increased the possibility of stone expulsion in 4.11 times.