scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

A.A. Pidmurnyak, S.A. Sobchinsky, K.S. Sobchinsky, V.V. Voytseshin, V.N. Monastirsky, A.A. Aleshko, V.V. Boyuk, V.A. Dobrovolsky, A.A. Drogorub

Performance analysis of algorithm for calculating location trocars in laparoscopic and retroperitoneoskopichnih intervention in renal failure and proximal ureter


The paper presents the results of the algorithm for calculating the locations of trocars with endovideohirurgichnih interventions in the pathology of the kidney and proximal ureter. The analysis of the effectiveness of the surgical intervention with the use of the algorithm and without the use of an algorithm. The features of the formation of approaches depending on the characteristics of the patient and the location of the pathological focus.

We study the data obtained from 232 patients who were treated in the urology department of Khmelnitsky regional hospital in the period 2011-2013. For tumors of 36 patients, which amounted to 15.5%, renal cysts - 96 patients (41.4%) and 100 patients (43.1%) with the proximal ureter stones. Patients underwent surgery using both transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approach.

Directly to construct three-dimensional models and perform endoscopic procedures for calculating the parameters used data obtained in the performance of multislice computed tomography in kortikomedulyarnu phase contrast.

To sum up our experience in choosing the location of trocars with endovideohirurgicheskih surgical interventions, we came to the following conclusions:

1. To apply the algorithm of choice location trocars must be observed multislice computed tomography with contrast enhancement with data analysis in phase contrast kortikomedulyarnu.

2. Using the proposed algorithm allows to perform pritsiziozno main phase of the operation that provides less trauma, better visualization of areas of operational interest.

3. Establishment of trocars on this algorithm significantly reduces the duration of surgery, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the early postoperative period.