R.N. Molchanov, I.S. Shpon’ka
It is supposed that the accompanying urinary infection can influence the local immunity activity, leading to changes of features of bladder cancer course. A research objective was studying of the urinary tract infection influence on an infiltration of a tumor with immune cells. Immunohistochemical research of an expression of markers CD3 +, CD4 +, CD8 +, CD20 +, CD68 + in biopsy material, received from 44 patients with a bladder cancer was made. The patients were divided on two groups in conformity with absence or presence of urinary tract infection. It is established that T-cells are prevailing among immunocytes, infiltrating a superficial bladder cancer. In stromal compartment prevail СD4 +, while in epithelial - СD8 + T-lymphocytes and СD68 + macrophages. The accompanying urinary tract infection had no statistically significant influence on intensity and selectivity of infiltration of a tissue of tumor with СD3 +, СD4 +, CD8 +, СD68 + immunocytes. The significant augmentation of infiltration of the stromal compartment of tumor with СD20 + B-lymphocytes with formation of lymphatic follicles in patients with urinary tract infection, can be an element of a chronic interstitial inflammation.