scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

S.P. Pasiechnikov, N.O. Saidakova, Y.N. Klimenko, V.O. Popov

Evaluating of the forecasting mathematical model effectiveness of urination self-recovery in patiens with acute retention of urine due benign prostatic hyperplasia


Acute urinary retention (AUR) - is a frequent painful and potential dangerous for life complication, observed in 40-55% BPH men. Nowadays trial without catheter (TWOC) has become the popular treatment option in these patients. 38-66% of these approaches are not successful. Earlier the original methodology of prognostication of efficiency of application of -.1-adrenergic blocker for TWOC after AUR in BPH-patients was worked out, patented and published by us. However, as well as any other, this method of prognostication required verification in practice, i.e. on current supervisions. The aim of our research was an estimation of efficiency and results of introduction in clinical practice of the offered method of prognostication of the result of TWOC after AUR in BPH-patients used tamsulosin. The objects of the study were 62 patients with AUR due to BPH, conducted throw TWOC. Verification of methodology effectiveness was made on the basis of principles of evidence-based medicine. Researches found out the sufficient sensitivity of method of prognostication and perfect specificity. Positive results were got also at determination of predictive values, likelihood ratio, post-test probability/odds. It is well proven that one of basic factors that substantially influence on the result of medical treatment of AUR in BPH-patients is the duration of it. Thus, the worked out methodology is the effective method of diagnostics, that allows differentiated application of TWOC for each concrete patient. It improves the results of treatment, keeps time and decreases financial charges.