scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

S.P. Pasiechnikov, N.O. Saidakova, S.P. Dmytryshyn

Determination of risk factors and their predictability with regard to development of the acute pyelonephritis in patients with urolithiasis during nonoperative treatment


On basis of the results of studying the medical histories and conclusions of experts in relation to the quality of diagnostics and treatment of 304 patients with urolithiasis in conditions of urologic departments, were defined the clinic-organizational factors contributing to the development of the acute pyelonephritis. After assessment of their informative particulars, the prognostic chart was compiled with help of which the coefficient is calculated by the sum of indications available in a certain patient. There was stated the linear dependence between the value of a coefficient and the risk stage for the development of complications, that allowed to separate three groups. The received data allow to substantiate objectively the indications for hospitalization, to separate the patients who can receive the specialized aid in ambulatory. Besides, judging by the dynamics of indications, can be assessed the efficacy of treating and health improving measures both in a concrete case and during the dispensary examination of certain groups of patients.