N.O. Saidakova, O.V. Shuliak, V.N. Shylo, A.A. Dmytryshyn, G.E. Kononova
Urolithiasis: the state and problematic questions in rendering the specialized service to the population in Kyiv
The work represents the data of the official statistics (f. N12, 20) for 2011-2016. There has been analyzed the dynamics of the incidence of urolithiasis in the adults population with regard to the age in Kyiv in the comparative aspect with all-Ukrainian one, and also identically those of basic indices of rendering them the specialized service. Two three-year periods (2011-2013 and 2014-2016) were singled out with the aim to follow the specificities of the last years, connected with the known territorial changes in Ukraine. There have been detected the peculiarities of distribution, sickness rate of urolithiasis among the Capital’s population. The tendency in the change of resulted data in the rendered specialized service confirms the actuality of such a work, and motivates the necessity to perform the expert assessment of the quality of diagnostics and treatment, and justifies that the problematic questions must be resolved not only in the medical plane but also in social one as well.