scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

V.I. Bachurin, D.V. Cherkasov, G.V. Bachurin, V.M. Cherkasov

To the problem of efficacy of herbal drug flavia in postoperative period in patients with distal ureteral stones after different methods of lithotripsy


The article is devoted to the investigation of efficacy of herbal drug Flavia in patients with distal ureteral stones in postoperative period after different methods of lithotripsy. The comparative analysis of treatment of 70 patients was carried out. Among them 34 patients took Flavia in addition to the traditional therapy in pre- and postoperative period. It was shown, that Flavia allows to decrease the intensity of the algic syndrome and the emergence of the chronic pyelonephritis exacerbation in postoperative period. Including of Flavia to the therapy led to a more rapid reduction in serum creatinine levels and the severity of leykotsituriya.

Thus, our study confirms the effectiveness of Flavia in complex therapy after different methods of lithotripsy in patients with distal ureteral stones.