scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

O.V. Lyulko, A.L. Suvaryan

Hormonal mechanisms of sper­matogenesis disorders in varico­celle


This work is devoted to research the hormonal changes in the blood, morphological changes in the testes and spermatogenesis violation in varicocelle patients. And, the experimental study on 78 male Wistar rats was provided also. Beside of morpho­logical study of hemodynamic related tissues the astrocyte specific activity and adhesion protein level in the thalamus-hypothalamus and other brain areas of rats after creation of experimental varicocelle were tested to clarify the role of hemodynamic related organs to initiate spermatogenesis and testo­sterone synthesis, and their effects on hypothalamic-pituitary system.

The work established the bilateral morpho­logical changes in the testicular tissue in patients with varicocelle leading to violations of fertilizing properties of semen, regardless of stage of disease in 67% of patients. There is a significant testosterone decrease and FSH increase. In the experiment on rats established that varicocelle lead to pathological changes in the all observed hemodynamic related organs (testis, prostate gland, left kidney, left adre­nal gland). However, damage of spermatogenic epi­thelium, degenerative changes of supported cells that cause the damage of Leydyh cells, leading to a significant decrease in testosterone level in serum (by 77%), which in turn leads to an increase in the number of S-100b in brain that induce the depo­lymerization of filament form of glial fibrillar acid protein (GFAP) and increase the soluble forms of the same protein in hormone-sensitive brain regions (especially in the thalamus/ hypothalamus and ce­rebellum), suggesting damage to these areas. There is a significant decrease of soluble forms of neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) (to 2 times) and a significant increase of membrane NCAM (to 3 times).

The molecular disturbances in the hypotha­lamic-pituitary system can serve as a trigger violation of the regulation of spermatogenesis and testosterone production.