scientific journal
Urology, Andrology, Nephrology

N.O. Saidakova, V.P. Stus, M.Y. Polion

Epidemiology of male infertility in Ukraine: features and trends


In Ukraine, infertility suffers about a million couples that is 15-17%, whereas, according to the WHO, 15% - a critical value, at which the issue is of national importance. Thus, infertility can not be ignored when addressing common challenges, aimed at increasing the birth rate. The aim of the study was to investigate the long-term dynamics of the incidence and prevalence of male infertility in Ukraine in the regional context and identify its features.

The peculiarity of the study was the allocation of two five-year periods (2004-2008, that 2009-2013), which made it possible to trace not only the dynamics, but their intensity. We analyzed data on five economic-geographic regions based on areas that are included in their composition.

It was established that in Ukraine against the background of reducing the number of able-bodied men by 2.7% in 2004-2013, and by 6.0% from 2014 to 2015 among them increased the number of infertile. With comprehensive integrated assessment ranking established the separation of areas of Ukraine the incidence of male infertility, which five attributed to so that it has a very high level. It proved no statistically significant relationship between the levels of correlation incidence male infertility and the number of working-age population.