S.P.Pasiechnikov, N.O. Saidakova, V.I.Grodzinsky
The article presents the analysis of 1263 cases of hospitalization of women of the reproductive age caused by acute nonobstructive pyelonephritis. The study was performed in the Urologic Department at the Alexandrovska clinical Kyiv-City hospital which is the basic department of inflammatory diseases of the SI «Institute of Urology, NAMS of Ukraine». The total selection for 10 years with separation of 5-year intervals was used for clarification of character of dynamics by age.
There were determined the peculiarities in dynamics of frequency of hospitalization of the indicated contingent - the intensity of their increase during the second period of monitoring (2008-2012) was 2.8 times less than during 2003-2007 years. There were found differences depending on the season of the year, and with this the separate age groups were taken into account.
The received data are of interest from the point of view of development of clinical-organizing measurements aimed at the improvement of health for the women of reproductive age who relate to the most socially important part of population.